Monday, July 27, 2009

Can Therapeutic Facial Cleansers Help With Acne Scars?

If you do not have acne, or at least severe acne you may not understand just how troubling it is to have acne scars covering your face and skin. For many consumers, they live their life constantly feeling stared at, constantly fearing that others are making fun of their complexion, constantly feeling as if they could just find the right treatment things would be different, somehow better. Acne scarring is not just a skin condition, it is a debilitating part of life that can cause severe damage, not only to the skin, but also to the individuals social and professional lives as well. The author examines those who are haunted by acne scars and just how important an effective treatment can be to those individuals.

As with most serious scarring, people become self conscious about how they look, especially around others and in social settings. For many scars come later in life, so they were able to establish a level of self confidence upon which they could build their life. This is not always the case for acne scar victims. Many of these individuals had acne as a child and it has continued into their adult life. The scarring caused has kept many of these people from really spreading their wings socially, and has left many feeling alone, unattractive and very insecure. For these people who have never experienced what it is like to have or to display confidence, their insecurities have grown so severe over the years that it becomes difficult to find relationships, good jobs, etc.

Many of these individuals have tried most of the treatments out there, from medicines that the doctor prescribes to a series of facial masks and cleansing techniques that leave the skin further irritated, and the acne scarring just as much of a problem. Using many different types of treatments can actually make the situation much worse than it was originally. For these reasons consumers that have severe acne or are prone to acne scarring are very careful about what types of products they choose to use. For many, finding the properly formulated facial cleansers is next to impossible, a cleanser that not only cleans the skin, but delivers the nourishment and essential nutrients your skin needs to be both healthy and acne free.

Therapeutic facial cleansers, however, are now very much a reality. Created by combining the all natural and scientific schools of thought on how to treat acne, and acne scarring, scientists formulated the ideal balance of cleanser and treatment, to eliminate existing acne and to carefully protect from future breakouts. What is so exciting about these facial cleansers however is the fact that they reduce redness, eliminate swelling and regenerate skin cells, all of which are essential in the removal of acne scarring. We all know that it takes skin growth to heal the scars, but growing those cells in a properly nourished, healthy environment leads to full coverage of scarring and a smooth healthy looking complexion in a very short period of time. It may sound strange that a facial cleanser can have such healing, therapeutic powers, but these new cleansers are proven to do just that. The therapeutic cleansers on the market today, are by far the most effective and most essential aspect to any daily skin care routine, especially those who have acne and suffer from acne scarring. If you wish to eliminate these types of symptoms or are just looking for the healthiest skin possible, these cleansers may be the right choice for you.

Mark Robbins has been reviewing the best facial cleanser products on the market for years. He understands the different goals that these cleansers have from removing oil, to performing some more difficult task. His readers respect and value his opinion on which products work, and follow his advice when making their beauty related purchases.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Acne Gel - Affordable Acne Treatment

Acne gel is one of the most affordable treatments in the market. It comes in different packages and are guaranteed to give relief for your soring skin. It soothes your face and gets rid of the itchiness that you may encounter coinciding with the acne problem.

Types of acne gels

At some points, acne gels are readily available over-the-counter. You just have to be cautious enough in order not to overdo the use of these drugs. Some examples of effective acne gels in the market are:

Tazorac Gel. It has two variants, the tazarotene 0.05% and 0.1%. The second type is the one used in treating stable plaque psoriasis and mild to moderately severe acne. Before using tazorac gel, you have to make sure that your face is clean and dry and should be used once a day only, before bedtime. Use enough gel to cover the affected area and see to it that you follow physician's advice for proper administration. The acne will improve in about 4 weeks, after continued use of tazorac gel.

Differin Gel. The gel contains adapalene and is used as a topical treatment for acne vulgaris. Each gram of the product contains 0.1% of adapalene consisting of carbomer 940, poloxamer 940, edetate disodium, methylparaben, polomaxer 182, propelene glycol, purified water and sodium hydroxide. If there are some irritation or sensitivity that occurs during the use of differin discontinue the use of the product and consult a physician immediately. It is also advised to avoid overexposing yourself to sunlight if you are using the product. Better yet, use sunscreen and protective clothing if you cannot avoid exposure to sunlight. The gel should only be used once a day, before bedtime and after washing and cleansing the face.

ClearSkin-A Gel. The product is chosen to treat acne on a number of levels. It contains an extract from different herbs. The clinical test of this product shows that it effectively cures acne because of its antibacterial properties. The product quickly heals existing pimples and prevent new pimples from spreading. Constant use of the product help everyone achieve a healthy, clear and beautiful face and can be used three times a day.

Phytome Acne Gel. This is a natural product that can be used in treating acne. It is made from the natural herb extracts. Since there are no harsh chemicals in this product, it does not dry the skin and it does not cause irritation. Phytome Acne Gel when used regularly can unclog pores and can significantly reduce the instances of pimple breakout.

Acne gels should be used according to the product literature. Overdose of the product may lead to worse scenarios such as redness, itching and blotching. Make sure that you consult proper health authorities in order to prevent your acne from coming back.

Related Articles:

Topical Acne Solutions Three Common Acne Treatments

Top Rated Acne Products

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Do Birth Control Pills Cause Acne?

Causes of Acne

The following are the lead causes of pimples and acne:

- Puberty and related changes (activation of sebaceous glands or the oil glands)
- Hormonal imbalance
- Dirt
- Skin types (oily skin is more prone to acne)
- Highly stressful lifestyle
- Vitamin and mineral deficiency
- Rare cases of heredity
- Cosmetics

Link between Birth Control Pills and Acne Demystified

Birth control pills are effective for acne treatment only in the cases where the main cause for acne is hormone related. Sometimes, an excess secretion of androgen from the ovaries is the leading cause of stubborn pimples and acne. Androgen has the property of activating the oil glands that leads to and increased occurrence of acne. Certain combination of birth control pills help by suppressing the level of androgen in the body. Testosterone (male hormone) is also associated with the increase in the activity of oil glands, thereby promoting acne. Oral contraceptives, especially those containing Estrogen and Progestin, reduce Testosterone in the body. Not all types of oral contraceptives are flatly effective on everyone. You need to decide upon the right combination suitable to your physiology. Of course, this has to be done under the guidance of a medical practitioner. In addition, other acne specific drugs, including antibiotics should be used as supplements to enhance the efficacy of the medication, for instance, benzoyl peroxide, alpha hydroxyl acids, and retinoids.

Preferred Combination and Commercially Available Products

Medicinal formulations containing the hormones Estrogen and Progestin (synthetically manufactured Progesterone) are usually beneficial in the therapy. Estrogen helps in maintaining the hormonal balance and regulates the level of Testosterone. Progestin is added to prevent any side effects caused by excess Estrogen. Lower Estrogen drugs such as Alesse should be preferred, as they do not have lesser repercussions related to the hormone. Ensure that the progestins in the medicine are anti-androgenic and not androgenic. Some of the commonly available brands are:

YAZ Ortho Tri-Cyclen Estrostep Yasmin

Birth Control Pills: Last Resort!

Oral contraceptives are resorted to only after exhausting all the other options, due to the reactions of hormone replacement therapy. If you do not intent to go in for contraception, use of birth control pills for acne treatment is a bad choice. The known side effects of oral contraceptive pills are:

Nausea Irregular menstrual cycles Cyst in the bust area Tendering of breasts Heart ailments Clotting of blood Cancer

While taking the risk of above side effects, you should be aware of the fact that oral contraceptive pills do not necessarily treat acne. Therefore, exercise a lot of prudence in adopting birth control pills for acne cure and try to keep it as last choice, rather than a preferred option.

Copyright (c) 2009 Rod Hoss

Precision Trials offer physician research based birth control clinical trials and HPV Research.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What is Proactive Acne Management?

Acne is one of the most common skin disorders but none can even compare to the value placed by individuals on the need to manage acne especially in reversing its ill effects on one's physical appearance. Proactive acne management is thus the only way to go.

Man often reacts to the presence of a problem or a situation rather than to seek out solutions to a problem or a situation that is yet to occur. The essence of proactive acne management is in the initiation of promotional and preventive strategies that are designed to promote general health and preclude the occurrence of acne. Knowledge of the disease causation process is thus very crucial in understanding what to promote and what to prevent.

Acne is generally a condition that involves the obstruction of the pilosebaceous unit of the skin. Proactive acne management is thus geared towards maximizing the healthy condition of this unit and its effective protection.

1. Good hygiene can effectively prevent acne by clearing the skin of dead cells which can otherwise accumulate in the pores leading to obstruction and thus, acne. Washing the face with warm water, baby soap, and rinsing with cold water is a lot better than applying astringents and other similar products.

2. Avoid using astringents and other harsh chemicals unless your skin has been properly tested for compatibility with the solution. Use mild baby soaps as these have been proven safe and non-allergenic even to babies' sensitive skin.

3. Eat the correct kind of foods to give you well-balanced nutrition essential for the normal and healthy functioning of your cells. A daily dose of zinc, Vitamin A and Vitamin E can also help increase the ability of the skin cells to regenerate new ones.

4. Know how to manage your stress and anxiety because these can significantly increase the production of stress hormones. These hormones can play an important role in the production of sebum beneath the skin, leading to obstruction in the hair follicle.

These are very simple activities that anyone can actually observe or make a part of their daily routine. You see, one does not need to first come face-to-face with acne before looking for solutions because it is more expensive this way.

Proactive acne management can actually just an enhancement of your simple activities of daily living without added costs. You do not only obtain a general sense of well-being, you also get to remain free from the ills of acne.

Now listen carefully -

Do you want to know the surefire way to cure your acne condition in no time? Using natural remedies, I have saved myself from scarring and also stopped wasting money on expensive medication. Read about my story here.

After you get rid of your pimples, zits and acne scars, you can get out there and live your life without the fear and low self-esteem problems acne creates. Listen - I was an acne sufferer just like you, and so I am speaking from experience!

So if you are ready to get rid of your acne problem once and for all, then click on this link to discover the ultimate secret to exquisite skin-