Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can Murad Acne Treatment Work For You?

There are many health problems that can affect a person, and one of the most bothersome of these is having a serious skin problem. The skin is the largest organ of the body. Thus, when you develop some problems with it, it will be very difficult to conceal.

People who have developed acne problems confront such reality. They are pestered by the unpleasant sight of the acne. They also constantly worry over finding the right treatment to achieve a healthier skin. Using the Murad acne treatment is one solution to consider.

The Murad Acne Complex

The Murad Acne Complex was developed by Dr. Murad, a dermatologist. Based on his experiences in treating many patients, he came up with the Murad skin care products and the Murad Acne Complex for acne treatment.

How Does the Murad Acne Complex Product Work?

The Murad acne treatments are developed to address skin problems in general, not just acne. Apart from the pressing problem of acne, there are other conditions that can be as bothersome. For example, folliculitis and eczema do not sound too appealing to anyone.

Just like acne, these are conditions that we see on people who have breakouts on their skin. They are caused by inflammation in the body. Murad acne treatments work by addressing that specific condition.

Murad acne treatments start the job of preventing inflammation by minimizing the excess build up of oils and cells in the skin. Murad uses three ingredients in the skin products to achieve this.

This Murad product contains anti-inflammatory ingredients, antioxidants and hydrating agents. It also includes a proprietary ingredient that is claimed to address the acne problem at its root. As you improve the existing conditions on your face and skin with the Murad products, the same may also help in preventing further breakouts.

Some people who do not have acne problems actually choose to buy the Murad acne treatment products. They find it to be a good alternative to prevent skin breakouts, especially if they foresee some stressful matters to come. Achieving that healthy skin is always a good goal to work on.

Does It Work For Everybody?

I conducted an informal survey among my friends and found that most of them are happy with Murad. However, a few have said that it has not been as effective as they had hoped. So just like with most products, it is a matter a finding what works for you, because everybody is different. To be on the safe side, consult with your dermatologist so she can study your skin's requirements and make a professional recommendation.

Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as Murad acne treatment Proactiv acne medicine and Tetracycline acne treatment.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Truth About Skin Acne

Let's start with a brief explanation of what acne really is and how it occurs. Acne occurs when skin pores get blocked, because the sebium oil, which can't get to the surface and bacteria begins to grow as a result of that. As you probably know, the skin acne can have a whitehead or blackhead. A whitehead is formed when the tapped bacteria and oil sebum remain the bellow surface. A blackhead is causes when the tapped sebum is able to partially get into the surface at which point it turns into a black spot, due to the pigment of the skin. A blackhead is not dirt and it can't be washed away. They can last for a very long time as the drain down to the surface really slowly.

It's very important not to touch acne prone skin, because you may accidentally rupture the follicle wall. Acne causes an inflammatory process, when the follicular wall breaks and white blood cells rush in. This results in a pustule several days later. The pustule consists of white cells that have made their way to the surface of the skin. This is what we commonly call 'pimple'.

Acne can be causes by one or a combination of following factors. There are certain foods which make your more prone to acne such as chocolates, pizza, basically all types of greasy and fried foods. Dirt or even excessive washing which dries the skin are also a common factor. Hormones in puberty age play a main part. Drugs can worse the acne, especially steroids. Back acne is common for bodybuilders on steroids, because when anabolic steroids that are not processed by the body, cause numerous side effects and body acne is one of them. Another reason could be if the skin can't breathe, because of outside pressure (helmet, tight shirt).

If we have to sum it all up, the three most basic causes of acne are - bacteria, clogged pores, excessive skin oil. That's why any successful acne treatment should be focused on opening the pores, killing the bacteria and reducing the oil.

Acne can be categorized as mild, moderate and severe, depending on the intensity of the outburst. In terms of areas affected, acne can occur on all parts of the body - face, chest, back, neck, arms, legs. Body acne is related with increased levels of testosterone, or cheap and greasy cosmetics. It can also be due to tight clothes, perspiration, genetics, poor nutrition, unbalanced hormones. Nature's Cure Body Acne Treatment Spray is a very good product that clears and prevents acne on your back, chest, neck and arms.

Face acne treatment is different from the other types of acne (chest, back), because it affects the most distinctive part of our bodies, the face. It can be successfully reated with the right products and proper use as per indicated on the labels. An anti acne pimple gel is an effective herbal defense against acne and treats blemishes also. Clean your face twice a day with acne care products such as medicated bar soaps, astringent lotions, and oil removing pads.

Steve Gargento operates http://www.acne-skin-care-help.com where you can find more useful on how to take care of skin acne.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

How to Remove Acne Scars Without Any Damage to Your Skin

Read this article if you want to know how to remove acne scars without damaging your skin. Acne attacks most of us at least once or even more times in our life. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to keep acne under control. There are tons of acne products like acne cream, lotion or anti-bacterial soap to clear acne scars. But it is very important to know about these products as they may harm our skin. Our skin is very sensitive and these acne skin care products can cause damage or allergy to our skin.

One of the best alternatives to avoid these side effects or damages caused by acne products are home remedies for acne. These remedies are safe, inexpensive and very simple to prepare as all the ingredients used in these home remedies for acne are easily available in our kitchen cabinets. So let's open our kitchen cabinet and start preparing these simple yet highly effective home remedies for acne.

Three effective home remedies to remove acne scars -

Acne home remedy #1 - Prepare a paste of sandalwood, neem leaves and turmeric and apply on the acne affected area. These ingredients are all natural herbs and free from side effects. They generally do not cause any damage to our skin unless we are allergic to any of these ingredients.

Acne home remedy #2 - Garlic is a valuable herb not only for treating acne scars but for number of skin diseases and allergies. It is considered a miracle herb in ayurveda and is used for removing acne scars more effectively than any other herb. Crush a garlic clove and apply on the affected area.

Acne home remedy #3 - Holy basil is another useful herb used for preparing home remedy for acne. It has excellent anti-bacterial property and is highly effective in treating skin disorders. Apply the paste of basil leaves directly on the acne affected skin.

There are many advantages of using these home remedies for acne. You can avoid chemicals that can damage your skin. But do not expect overnight results from these acne home remedies. Continued, determined efforts are bound to give you a clean and clear skin free from acne.

Looking for some more home remedies for acne? Check out the biggest home remedies website. Also read home remedies for blackheads to get clean and clear skin you were longing for.

Monday, September 1, 2008

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Using Different Methods

People who suffer from moderate to severe acne are not solely tortured by their current condition, but also by the worry of having scars left behind. Sometimes, the scars are not that serious and will fade or completely disappear after some time. However, there are stubborn scars that will continue to stay there no matter what you choose to do about it.

A question that many acne sufferers will have is, "Is there anything that I can do to prevent scarring or to treat them once they occur?"

Well, there are definitely ways to prevent or treat scarring. Unfortunately, some scars may be unavoidable and too stubborn to be removed no matter what a person does.

Having said that, most scars may be unsightly initially. However, given time, the scars will usually fade such that it is no longer obvious, even though you may not be able to remove it completely. If there are some stubborn scars around, you may want to consider the following option:

1) Laser treatment

This is usually performed by trained and licensed dermatologists. What happens is that the top layer of the skin is being removed, revealing a smoother and un-scarred skin. It may take a quite a while to heal and may not be effective for all types of scars.

2) Dermabrasion

Just like laser treatment, the top layer of the skin is also removed. The removal of the top layer of skin is done by a rotating instrument. The procedure itself can take quite some time. You may need to wait for 3 weeks for the effects to minimize.

3) Surgery

Plastic surgeries can be another option. How successful it will be depends on the severity, as well as the type of scars.

4) Chemical peels

This is something that can be done in a salon. It is always good to make sure that the person is trained to perform chemical peels. Just like laser treatment and dermabrasion, the top layer of the skin is also removed. However, instead of using an instrument, chemicals are being used instead.

There are quite a number of ways to treat acne naturally without using drugs.
Click the link below to check out the pros and cons of the top 3 products.

How To Treat Acne Naturally