Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What is Proactive Acne Management?

Acne is one of the most common skin disorders but none can even compare to the value placed by individuals on the need to manage acne especially in reversing its ill effects on one's physical appearance. Proactive acne management is thus the only way to go.

Man often reacts to the presence of a problem or a situation rather than to seek out solutions to a problem or a situation that is yet to occur. The essence of proactive acne management is in the initiation of promotional and preventive strategies that are designed to promote general health and preclude the occurrence of acne. Knowledge of the disease causation process is thus very crucial in understanding what to promote and what to prevent.

Acne is generally a condition that involves the obstruction of the pilosebaceous unit of the skin. Proactive acne management is thus geared towards maximizing the healthy condition of this unit and its effective protection.

1. Good hygiene can effectively prevent acne by clearing the skin of dead cells which can otherwise accumulate in the pores leading to obstruction and thus, acne. Washing the face with warm water, baby soap, and rinsing with cold water is a lot better than applying astringents and other similar products.

2. Avoid using astringents and other harsh chemicals unless your skin has been properly tested for compatibility with the solution. Use mild baby soaps as these have been proven safe and non-allergenic even to babies' sensitive skin.

3. Eat the correct kind of foods to give you well-balanced nutrition essential for the normal and healthy functioning of your cells. A daily dose of zinc, Vitamin A and Vitamin E can also help increase the ability of the skin cells to regenerate new ones.

4. Know how to manage your stress and anxiety because these can significantly increase the production of stress hormones. These hormones can play an important role in the production of sebum beneath the skin, leading to obstruction in the hair follicle.

These are very simple activities that anyone can actually observe or make a part of their daily routine. You see, one does not need to first come face-to-face with acne before looking for solutions because it is more expensive this way.

Proactive acne management can actually just an enhancement of your simple activities of daily living without added costs. You do not only obtain a general sense of well-being, you also get to remain free from the ills of acne.

Now listen carefully -

Do you want to know the surefire way to cure your acne condition in no time? Using natural remedies, I have saved myself from scarring and also stopped wasting money on expensive medication. Read about my story here.

After you get rid of your pimples, zits and acne scars, you can get out there and live your life without the fear and low self-esteem problems acne creates. Listen - I was an acne sufferer just like you, and so I am speaking from experience!

So if you are ready to get rid of your acne problem once and for all, then click on this link to discover the ultimate secret to exquisite skin- http://www.thesecrettoexquisite.com/

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