Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Murad Acne Complex - What Is It?

By Jo Wood

The Murad Acne Complex was classified by a dermatologist, Dr Murad, who has dedicated his life to the science of clear skin. For the past 30 years he has treated over 50,000 patients and because of this he had insight into what his patient's skin care needs were. He developed the Murad Acne Complex skin care products which could be used at home.

Althoug Dr Murad still maintains a thriving dermatological practice in California he continues to develop new products in order to help people keep their skin in top condition.

There are numerous skin conditions which resemble acne such as eczema, perioral dermatitis and folliculitis. Although they may not involve all the factors that do cause real acne, they do have one thing in common and that is inflammation. But the good news about the Murad Acne Complex kit is that it addresses all the factors relating to both acne and skin breakouts. It does this by reducing the cell build up, excess oil and inflammation of the skin. Each of the products contains 3 key ingredients in the Murad recipe and they are as follows:-

1. Hydrating agents
2. Anti inflammatories
3. Antioxidants

There are also specific acne fighters which work together to provide the best environment for us to achieve optimal skin health. Another ingredient is a patented internal supplement which is used to treat any acne breakouts from the inside. So it does not matter whether you have real acne or just something that looks like acne, you can use Murad in order to help you get healthy, beautiful skin.

The Murad Acne Complex Kit is made up of 3 treatments. In independent clinical studies it was found that over 90% of those participating had experienced a reduction of their blemishes in just 4 weeks from starting the treatment. Below are details of the Murad Acne Complex treatments.

1. Clarifying Cleanser
This has been clinically proven to reduce 99.99% of irritating surface bacteria in less than one minute. It contains triclosan and salicylic acid which helps to gently but effectively reduce any acne blemishes as well as keeping the skin clear.

2. Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel
This patented formula blends retinol with salicylic and glycolic acids which penetrate pores and sweep them super clean. The hydrogen peroxide also in this treatment purifies the skin without drying and leaves it clear and healthy.

3. Skin Perfecting Lotion
This ultra light, oil free treatment will hydrate the skin without leaving an oily residue. The retinol and arnica contained in this treatment work together to reduce redness and help prevent pores from becoming clogged so that you are left with a softer, more evenly balanced textured skin.

So when looking at an alternative way for treating your acne then why not consider trying the Murad Acne Complex treatment system.

Discover more about acne products, at Jo's site http://www.infoaboutacne.info Get 3 Free Reports about acne from http://www.infoaboutacne.info/reports

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