Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Simple Home Body Acne Cure

Acne is a condition that affects everyone sooner or later. Getting acne on the face is the usual place the condition appears, but it also shows up in others areas as well. This is referred to as body acne. Treating body acne is not difficult and if you can follow these few simple steps to a body acne cure then you should be able to rid yourself of the problem without any hassles. However, if these steps do not work, then it is best to consult a doctor who may prescribe a more vigorous form of body acne cure, including oral medication. But following this course of action should be able to help you rid yourself of normal body acne. These steps apply to any part of the body where you may have acne and need to cure.

Combine milk and crushed ginger to create a home body acne cure and rub it onto the afflicted area of skin. Since chafing of the skin can make a acne problem worse, the next thing to be done is to wear loose and soft clothing that will not irritate the skin in the affected areas. Another suggestion is to apply fresh mint juice or raw papaya juice to the area that is covered with acne. If the condition does not improve after a few days, you could try adding the use of a skin cleaning lotion or gel to you to your body acne cure plan. If need be buy an acne treatment spay or gel - there are many over the counter products that can help in the overall acne cure process. You could even supplement the spray with special acne treatment soap.

This simple five step acne cure plan should be able to cure most normal acne problems. Also do not wear tight clothing, even if it is soft. Wash yourself at a minimum of two times a day, and more often if you tend to sweat heavily. If you play games where you sweat but cannot shower immediately, dry yourself off completely with a towel and wear dry clothes until such time as you can have a bath. An acne cure is as much about common sense precautions as about medication.

For more information, tips and advice on Acne visit Acne Free.

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