Sunday, September 20, 2009

Acne Vulgaris - Fast & Easy Natural Remedies Curing Acne Vulgaris

If you are suffering from acne vulgaris, then you are suffering from the most common type of acne. Acne vulgaris has the ability of affecting just about anyone, and the majority of the population has had some form of acne vulgaris at one point or another.

Today, roughly 85% of teenagers suffer from some form of acne, and this could be due to the increase in their hormone levels, which over stimulate their sebaceous glands, causing the acne vulgaris.

With acne being one of the major concerns for all teenagers, more are looking for natural remedies in helping to cure their acne vulgaris. Acne can be found anywhere on the body, but the most common places are usually the face and back. With Acne Vulgaris, as it normally isn't a severe form of acne, there usually won't be any scarring. Acne that tends to scar is usually the more severe cases, when several papules or pimples join together causing cysts (this form of acne is known as cystic acne or severe acne).

When it comes to curing your acne vulgaris permanently many sufferers choose to use over the counter products. Although some of these products many help for a short time, the majority can end up making your acne worse and that could be because many of the treatments work well for some, but may irritate others. As with all medications, it's about choosing the right product for your skin combination and condition.

With many acne vulgaris sufferers now choosing a more holistic and natural approach to curing their acne, there are more natural products becoming available that have been tried and tested, and are finding to bring some relief to many acne symptoms.

Some natural products used have been rose water, lemon juice mixed with water, milk of magnesia, pure tea tree oil, lavender and ginger root. When applying any of these to your face, make sure you test a spot on your skin first, to see if there is any reaction.

Lemon balm, aloe vera and horsetail have been placed directly on to an individual's inflamed skin with much success. A homeopathic solution that has also been used to help ease inflamed skin is sulphur lotion. You can also experiment at home with many ingredients already in your fridge. Just make sure you first test for any allergies.

Here are a couple of Acne Home remedies:-

Vinegar & Lemon Water

Did you know that lemon juice is a natural antibacterial and is great for cleansing the skin, healing old acne scabs and also in helping to prevent new ones starting? Vinegar is a natural cleanser as well as toner. By adding 1 part vinegar to 1 part lemon juice to 5 parts water, you have the perfect mixture to rinse and cleanse your face. This will remove excessive oil and also help in cleaning the pores of bacteria build up. By using this treatment three times a week you will find your skin healthier and clearer.

Fresh Garden Mint

Fresh mint is a fantastic home remedy for acne sufferers. Mint helps to heal infection caused by acne and also prevents new pimples from occurring. Best way to use the mint is by rubbing the leaves between your fingers until you get the leaves secreting their juice, then rub the leaves and juice on to your face before bed.

If you would like to get ALL the Acne Facts in one eBook, the acne treatments' package books at can seriously help you discover the different acne options available, gain the knowledge you need so that you can now make an informed decision on which course of action to take regarding clearer and more healthy looking skin. It's YOUR skin - Make an Informed CHOICE!

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