Monday, September 28, 2009

Some Basic Information About Acne Scar Removal

Acne is a skin condition that almost everyone has suffered from at some point in their life. A person who has never had a pimple is a rarity and a lucky person indeed. Most of the time, acne is light and can be treated with over the counter creams leaving no ill effects. When acne is sever however, in the case of cystic acne, scarring can occur. Acne scars can even occur with milder acne if a person picks at their pimples a lot. Squeezing pimples introduces bacteria into the skin plus it can damage the skin causing acne scars.

Acne scar removal techniques range from simple to invasive. If your scars are mild and you are researching how to get rid of acne scars then you will probably benefit from creams that remove dead skin from your face which allows new skin to be generated. This will help mild acne scarring. AHA is an ingredient that is very helpful. It stands for Alpha Hydroxy Acid and is an ingredient is some face moisturizers. Look for one that is noncomedogenic so that it won't irritate your skin and cause more pimples.

For more severe scarring it is best to ask your dermatologist what he recommends. Laser treatment has been known to work well as well as dermabrasion. The later is a surgical procedure of scraping away the top layer of facial skin allowing new, smoother and undamaged skin to emerge. With any surgery there are always risks so make sure you understand the treatment well before deciding to proceed with it.

Depending on the severity of your acne scarring there are different ways of how to get rid of acne scars. It is recommended to start with the mildest form of acne scar removal and only to become more aggressive with treatment if previous attempts are not successful.

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