Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Eat This Food to Clear Your Acne

There is a lot of information about clearing acne on the internet, and most of it is pure junk. In this article you will discover the number one food to eat for clear skin, bar none...
To understand why food can help clear your acne, you need to understand the ROOT CAUSE of acne. It is hormonal inflammation that causes acne, and food is a direct cause of hormonal inflammation.

Some foods cause hormonal inflammation, some cause anti-inflammation - essentially protecting against acne from forming. It is very important to produce anti-inflammatory hormones, and this can be done by eating a certain food...


Vegetables work to clear skin because they are packed full of nutrients that help produce anti-inflammatory hormones.

The best vegetables to eat are raw, green vegetables. Eat a good amount of these everyday and your skin will clear up significantly. I personally make sure to eat vegetables everyday, and this helps me stay acne-free.

Whilst many INEFFECTIVE acne treatments are expensive, this acne clearing shortcut - eating green vegetables- is very inexpensive and extremely EFFECTIVE.

I used to suffer from bad acne, tried everything I could get my hands on to clear my skin; pills, creams, herbs, you name it. None of it worked. Then I started to change my diet and my acne started to clear up.

I advise you to do the same. Start by eating green vegetables, raw if you can. For more information on how to clear your acne visit my website now.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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